Tops International ArenaTops International Arena

Jessica Springsteen takes top prize

Release date: 18/05/2016

The Grand Prix of the second week in Valkenswaard at Tops International Arena was won by the USA’s Jessica Springsteen. Jessica, daughter of the world famous Bruce Springsteen, and Tiger Lily set a very fast time half way the jump-off and none of the riders after her ride was able to beat the time 37.55 seconds. Tiger Lily was living up to her name, a small horse but with a fighting spirit and amazingly fast and Jessica guided the nine-year-old Oldenburger mare smoothly through the course. Italy’s Alberto Zorzi was one of the last ones to go into the jump-off and gave his best, but had to settle for second with Fairlight van 't Heike (BWP, Vigo D' Arsouilles x Darco). Nicola Philippaerts (BEL) was third with H&M Harley v. Bisschop (BWP, Dulf Van den Bisschop x Coronado). 
Britain’s Anna Edwards took top honours in the CSI1* Grand Prix. She was the fastest in the 14-horse jump-off with Chesterfield Z (ZANG, Chippendale Z x Sir Caletto). Runner-up was Ramzy Hamad Al Duhami, who also won the CSI2* Small Tour earlier in the day, with Hymne d’O (BWP, Bentley vd Heffinck). Third place went to Switzerland’s Fabio Crotta and the eight-year-old BWP mare Indra’s Twinkeling (Quadrillo x Caretano).
Small and Medium Tour
The Small Tour in the CSI2* was won by Ramzy Hamad Al Duhami (KSA) and his 10-year-old BWP stallion Garlic van Kapelhof (Tauber vh Kapelhof x Orlando). Australia’s David Cameron finished runner-up with Sweetlana 2 (HANN, Stolzenberg x Drosselklang II). Sweden’s Malin Parmler added another victory to her list by winning the CSI2* Medium Tour with the eight-year-old mare Dagma (KWPN, Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve x Calvin Z). Britain’s Maja Burnell took the runner-up spot with Carnaval Komombo (AES, Carnaval Pleasure x Burggraaf).
Belgium’s Koen De Waele won the CSI1* Small Tour with his six-year-old gelding Davidoff KDW Z (Deister x Clinton). The USA’s Shawn Casady won the Medium Tour with Touche D Allegresse (Whitesnake x Rash R).
Young Horses Finals
Today it was ‘Finals Day’ for all Young Horses. The seven-year-old horses kicked off this morning in the great setting of the grass arena. The top three riders at the prizegiving were all familiar faces in the equestrian scene. Winner was the current world’s number 3 and Olympic team gold medalist Scott Brash with the AES gelding Hello Mr. President (by Comme d’Api Jr). Runner-up was Ireland’s Bertram Allen (no. 9 Longines Rankings) with Etoile de Loma (Clinton x Heartbreaker). Olympic champion Steve Guerdat finished in third with his young promise Vaya de Brenil Chaine (Quidam de Revel x Cento). The Final for the six-year-olds was won by the 19-year-old Dutch rider Kars Bonhof with the KWPN mare Fuji (Verdi x Lord Lepanto). Egypt’s Karim Elzoghby, who lives in the Netherlands, finished runner-up with the Hannoverian gelding Scotch (Stolzenberg x Escudo). Israel’s Danielle Goldstein took third place with Finn’s Pride (KWPN, Querly x Elvis). In the five-year-old class it was Monday’s winner who also won today’s Final, Anna Wilks and L. Primero di Gala (BWP, Toulon x Calato) who had a super fast round for Great Britain. Ireland’s Simon McCarthy and Bolero D’Armanville (SF, Lauterbach x Diamant de Semilly) finished in second ahead of Jordan’s Ra’ad Naser with Levisto (Breemeersen Adorado x Thunder van de Zuuthoeve).
An end has come to two exciting weeks with great moments, great sport and great wins. Tops International Arena will start preparing for the next events: the ´Global Future Champions Week Young Horses´ from July 11 til 13 and the ‘Global Future Champions Week CSIU25 + CSIYR + CSIJ + CSICh + CSIP’ from July 15 til 17.
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