Evenement 1 | 8-10 mei 2017
WEEK 1: CSI1* - CSI2* - CSIYH1*
Monday 8 May
Class 01: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* 6 years old 1.30m
Monday 8 May - Two Phases Special: 2nd Phase Against the Clock Bekijk resultaten
Class 02: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* 7 years old 1.35m
Monday 8 May - Two Phases Special: 2nd Phase Against the Clock Bekijk resultaten
Class 06: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* 5 years old 1.15m
Monday 8 May - Two Phases Special: 2nd Phase Against the Clock Bekijk resultaten
Class 03: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* Small Tour 1.35m
Monday 8 May - Two Phases Special: 2nd Phase Against the Clock
Class 07: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* Small Tour 1.10m
Monday 8 May - Two Phases Special: 2nd Phase Against the Clock Bekijk resultaten
Class 08: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* Big Tour 1.35m
Monday 8 May - Two Phases Special: 2nd Phase Against the Clock
Class 04: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* Medium Tour 1.40m
Monday 8 May - Two Phases Special: 2nd Phase Against the Clock
Class 09: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* Medium Tour 1.20m
Monday 8 May - Two Phases Special: 2nd Phase Against the Clock Bekijk resultaten
Class 05: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* Big Tour 1.45m
Monday 8 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off
Tuesday 9 May
Class 13: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* 5 years old 1.15m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 10: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* Medium Tour 1.40m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off
Class 14: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* 6 years old 1.30m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 11: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* Small Tour 1.35m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off
Class 15: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* 7 years old 1.35m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 16: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* Big Tour 1.35m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 17: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* Small Tour 1.15m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 12: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* Big Tour 1.45m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 18: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* Medium Tour 1.25m
Tuesday 9 May - Table A: Against the Clock Bekijk resultaten
Wednesday 10 May
Class 19: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* Final 7 years old 1.35m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off
Class 23: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* Small Tour 1.15m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off Bekijk resultaten
Class 24: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* Final 6 years old 1.30m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off
Class 20: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* Small Tour 1.35m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 25: Valkenswaard 2017 CSIYH1* Final 5 years old 1.15m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 21: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* Medium Tour 1.40m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock
Class 26: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* Medium Tour 1.25m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off Bekijk resultaten
Class 22: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI2* GRAND PRIX 1.45m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off
Class 27: Valkenswaard 2017 CSI1* GRAND PRIX 1.35/1.40m
Wednesday 10 May - Table A: Against the Clock with Jump-Off Bekijk resultaten